Friday, November 3, 2017

Usborne Quicklinks ~ Week 11

We are excited to start a new Usborne science book, as we continue our study of sea animals. It is titled Usborne First Encyclopedia of Seas & Oceans. You will be sure to enjoy our links this week!

Usborne First Encyclopedia of Seas and Oceans

4-5 Mariana Trench, creatures in the depths of the sea, underwater volcanos, continents & oceans
6-7 Unusual looking sea creatures, fish scales, how fish breathe, & swim underwater
8-9 Predators & prey, plankton, humpback whales feeding
10-11 Camouflage of sea creatures
12-13 Coral reefs
14-15 Protection from predators and tricks of predators
16-17 Sea animal relationships (symbiosis)
18-19 Poisonous sea animals

12,000 Years of World History

80-81 Emperor Asoka, migration of early Aryans, Ancient India, the Mauryan Empire, the beginnings of Hinduism and Buddhism,

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