Monday, January 8, 2018

Week 17 Overview

Week 17 (Friday, December 15th - Thursday, December 21st) was a blast! We started off with Polar Express Pajama Day. Of course, we completed our school work first, then enjoyed hot chocolate with our movie. We also had a field trip to the Gingerbread Extravaganza at St. Andrew's church, Grinch Day, Frosty's Tea Time at home, and our last day before Christmas break! We will meet again at co-op on Friday, January 5th.

Here's some of our learning:

Bible Field Guide- 1 Kings- 2 Kings, Joel, Micah, Isaiah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Jeremiah; Solomon's kingdom was divided in two. We've already studied about Israel. Now, we are learning about Judah. Though Judah had some good kings (those who followed God), many did not listen to God, just as Israel did not. When Judah's kings led their people to obey God, they were blessed. God's prophets told the people how to be faithful to God. When they chose not to be, God allowed the Babylonians to destroy Judah and take his people from the promised land. But, one day, there would come a new covenant, one that would bring His people back to Him...through Jesus.

History- Medieval monasteries, monks, scriptoriums, the Byzantine Empire, the beauty of Constantinople, Justinian the Just Emperor, the Empress Theodora, the church in the East, mosaics, St. Nicholas, the Medieval Indian Empire, King Skandagupta, the Gupta dynasty, and monks in the Ajanta Caves.

Read alouds- Christmas stories

3rd grade math- long division and word problems

6th grade math (actually, it's 7th grade math)- multiplying and dividing decimals

3rd grade science- We read a short biography about Rachel Carson. Her book Silent Spring alerted the world to the potential dangers of pesticides, including DDT, which lit an environmental movement.

6th grade science- force, speed, velocity, and momentum; how a solar sail moves a spacecraft and how the international space station was constructed.

Until next time! Enjoy our week in photos!

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