Saturday, November 18, 2017

Usborne Quicklinks ~ Week 13

Check out these extra resources for what we learned this week in history and science:

History: 12,000 Years of World History

94-95 Living in Ancient Rome, Pompeii, Life of a boy in Roman Britain, Roman waterworks
96-97 Chariot racing, gladiators, the Colosseum
98 Spread of Christianity, the catacombs under the city of Rome

3rd Grade Science: The Usborne First Encyclopedia of Seas and Oceans

36-37 tide, currents, and wind
38-39 how waves wear away rocks and cliffs
40-41 life in tide pools
42-43 hurricanes, tsunamis, and waterspouts
44-45 boats and ships
46-47 crittercams in the deep sea
48-49 shipwrecks and sunken treasure
50-51 fishermen

6th Grade Science: What's Science All About?

Part 2- How do human bodies work?

Website 1- the body and medicines, teeth and eating, micro-organisms and the brain and senses.
Website 2- animated movie about how the human body works

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